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Citations of Individual Production Merit awarded. The first five citations of Individual Production Merit have been awarded to five war workers, War Production Drive Headquarters has announced. The citation is the highest award conferred for individual achievement. It is granted only for ideas or suggestions that have an outstanding effect on the war effort. Walter P. Hill of Detroit, Michigan, a sales and development manager for the Wolverine Tube Division of the Calumet and Hecla Consolidated Copper Co., developed an idea of prime military importance. All that can be said is that he developed the "overall spum and primer for an ammunition primer which is now being utilized for large manufacturers of primer tubes. This effects a saving of metal, increased production with present facilities and lower overall production costs." The rest has been restricted by military authorities


Citations of Individual Production Merit awarded. The first five citations of Individual Production Merit have been awarded to five war workers, War Production Drive Headquarters has announced. The citation is the highest award conferred for individual achievement. It is granted only for ideas or suggestions that have an outstanding effect on the war effort. Walter P. Hill of Detroit, Michigan, a sales and development manager for the Wolverine Tube Division of the Calumet and Hecla Consolidated Copper Co., developed an idea of prime military importance. All that can be said is that he developed the "overall spum and primer for an ammunition primer which is now being utilized for large manufacturers of primer tubes. This effects a saving of metal, increased production with present facilities and lower overall production costs." The rest has been restricted by military authorities

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