Andreas Feininger - Weapons

Andreas Feininger works for the US Office of War Information (OWI), 1942 Created by: LOC's Public Domain Archive Dated: 1942

Andreas Feininger (1906-1999) was a renowned photographer known for his striking black-and-white images of architecture, nature, and industrial scenes. Born in Paris, Feininger was the son of the famous Bauhaus artist Lyonel Feininger.

In 1942 the Office of War Information (OWI) hired Feininger to photograph factories producing weapons and instruments for the war.

Feininger began his photography career in 1928 and worked as a staff photographer for LIFE magazine from 1943 to 1962. During his time at LIFE, he produced many iconic images, including portraits of famous figures such as Albert Einstein and Winston Churchill, as well as striking cityscapes and industrial scenes. Feininger was also an accomplished writer known for his technical expertise and his use of large-format cameras.