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At Dartford Hospital, near London, recently taken over by the American Army for wounded men from the zone in France where Americans are brigaded with British troops. The wounded are always glad to see visitors, particularly visitors from America. Here is a group of the boys waving farewell to Samuel Gompers, president of the American Federation of Labor, and the party of American labor men who accompanied Gompers on his visit to the hospital


At Dartford Hospital, near London, recently taken over by the American Army for wounded men from the zone in France where Americans are brigaded with British troops. The wounded are always glad to see visitors, particularly visitors from America. Here is a group of the boys waving farewell to Samuel Gompers, president of the American Federation of Labor, and the party of American labor men who accompanied Gompers on his visit to the hospital



Hier ist eine Gruppe von Jungen, die Samuel Gompers, dem Präsidenten der American Federation of Labor, und der Gruppe amerikanischer Arbeiter, die Gompers bei seinem Besuch im Krankenhaus begleiteten, zum Abschied zuwinken. Titel und Notiz von der Bildunterschrift-Karte des Roten Kreuzes. Gruppentitel: ARC Hospital, London, England. Daten: Credits The Bulletin. 10 / 8 / 18. Pa. Div. Northern Div. 11 / 18. Central Div. 11 / 18, Lake Div. 11 / 18. Geschenk; Amerikanisches Nationales Rotes Kreuz 1944 und 1952.







Library of Congress


No known restrictions on publication. For information, see "American National Red Cross photograph collection," http://www.loc.gov/rr/print/res/717_anrc.html

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american red cross
amerikanisches rotes Kreuz